To the question of reconstruction of the juglans regia plantation (on the example of the Bashantynsky forest district of R. Kalmykia)


  • Сергей Николаевич КРУЖИЛИН Novocherkassk Engineering-Meliorative Institute n.a. A. K. Kortunov, Donskoy State Agricultural University
  • Оксана Владимировна РЕВЯКО Novocherkassk Engineering-Meliorative Institute n.a. A. K. Kortunov, Donskoy State Agricultural University



plantation, walnut, Bashantynskoye forestry, walnut yield, forest cultures.


In modern conditions, cultivation of plantation cultures of nut-bearing breeds is actualized. In southern Russia, the most common nut-tree culture is the walnut – Juglans regia. On the example of the Bashantynsky forestry of the Republic of Kalmykia, methods for reconstructing the walnut plantation are proposed, which, due to age and unsatisfactory condition, lost crop capacity.


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How to Cite

КРУЖИЛИН, С. Н., & РЕВЯКО, О. В. (2018). To the question of reconstruction of the juglans regia plantation (on the example of the Bashantynsky forest district of R. Kalmykia). Voprosy Ecologii, 7(8), 22–28.нмэнж.v7i8.11




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