Bioecological characteristics and variability of dog-rose under the conditions of introduction


  • Александра Сергеевна СОЛОМЕНЦЕВА Federal Research Centre for Agroecology, Integrated Reclamation and Protective Afforestation, Russian Academy of Sciences



dogrose, polymorphism, bioecological potential, introduction, growth and development, adaptation, endogenous, population, geographical level.


The definition of bioecological characteristics and variability of various types of shrubs is aimed at selecting an adapted gene pool of economically valuable plants for the formation of protective forest plantations for different purposes in the steppe and semi-desert. Variability is determined by the peculiarity of growth and development, determines the correlation of organs within the individual; and also features of interaction of plant organs with the surrounding environment. The article presents materials on the study of the bioecological potential and the variability of dog-rose under the conditions of introduction. The species were studied: R. rugosa Thunb. - rose hips wrinkled, R. cinnamomea L. - cinnamon rose, R. beggeriana Shrenk. L. - Begger's dogrose, R. acicularis Lindl. - rose hips, R. ecae Aitch. - dogrose Eki, R. pom-ifera Herrm. - apple hips, R. spinosissima L. - wild rose hips, R. canina L. - common hips. The characteristics of their biometric indices, degree of spiny, variability in flowering, fruiting and formation of leaf blade are given. Data on water deficiency in arid conditions are given. Functional indices and parameters of their variability depending on the influence of limiting factors and various geographical points will be used for selection of the adapted gene pool under the conditions of introduction.


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How to Cite

СОЛОМЕНЦЕВА, А. С. (2018). Bioecological characteristics and variability of dog-rose under the conditions of introduction. Voprosy Ecologii, 7(8), 33–42.нмэнж.v7i8.13




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