Zoning of the Rostov region on the quantitative representation of families of red book plants


  • Инна Владимировна ВОСКОБОЙНИКОВА Novocherkassk reclamation engineering Institute
  • Илья Алексеевич НИКУЛИН Novocherkassk reclamation engineering Institute
  • Тимофей Николаевич СТАРУН Novocherkassk reclamation engineering Institute




Rostov region, annotated list, species diversity, functional zoning, habitats


The purpose of this study is to analyze the distribution of species and families of red book plants in the Rostov region. In the course of the work it was found that the habitats of these plants are distributed unevenly within the region.

As a result of researches allocation of habitats of the species and families of plants included in the Red book of the Rostov region on administrative areas is carried out. It was found that the occurrence of red book species from the families of Iridaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Paeoniaceae – the largest, habitats of these plants are recorded in all five zones of the Rostov region. The species of 15 families have minimal occurrence: Melanthiaceae, Primulaceae, Balsaminaceae, Polygalaceae, Cyperaceae, Cleomaceae, Rutaceae, Araceae, Limoniaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Nitrariaceae, Droseraceae, Menyanthaceae, Dipsaceae, Frankeniaceae. Their representatives have habitats in only one of the five zones.

The Association of districts of the Rostov region on representation of families of red book plants with allocation of zones is offered. Zoning scale is as follows: 1 zone - a very large number of families - 21 or more; 2 zone a large number – from 10 to 20 families; 3 zone average – from 6 to 9 families; 4 zone - a small number – from 3 to 5; 5 zone - very small – 2 or less families. A map of zoning areas of the Rostov region on the representation of families of red book plants.


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How to Cite

ВОСКОБОЙНИКОВА, И. В., НИКУЛИН, И. А., & СТАРУН, Т. Н. (2018). Zoning of the Rostov region on the quantitative representation of families of red book plants. Voprosy Ecologii, 8(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.25726/NM.2018.1.1.001


