Stages of formation of seedlings of various species of the genus Gleditsia in dry steppe conditions


  • Alexandra V. Semenyutina Доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник, заведующая лабораторией биоэкологии древесных растений Федеральный научный центр агроэкологии, комплексных мелиораций и защитного лесоразведения Российской академии наук
  • Kristina A. Melnik Аспирант, младший научный сотрудник лаборатории биоэкологии древесных растений Федеральный научный центр агроэкологии, комплексных мелиораций и защитного лесоразведения Российской академии наук


Gleditsia texana, Gleditschia caspica, Gleditsia triacanthos, stages of seedling formation


The problem of the development of Gleditsia seedlings is still relevant when developing technologies for growing plants for landscaping purposes. The morphogenesis of various species of the genus Gleditsia changes depending on the intensity of environmental factors. The objects of research are seedlings of various species of the genus Gleditsia grown from seeds of dendrological collections of the Federal Research Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Cadastre 34:34:000000:122; 34:34:060061:10. The purpose is to consider the time intervals of seedlings development and to determine the features of the formation of seedlings. Compare some species with each other and identify the potential of each species. To identify the species that differ in the best growth in these soil and climatic conditions. It is preferable to use loamy soil for growing Gleditsia seedlings. The depth of the arable layer is about 30 cm . The seeds were scalded with hot water at a temperature of 80 ° C. Seedlings of Gleditsia caspica formed three days earlier than those of Gleditsia triacanthos. Gleditsia texana is one of the fastest growing in the first days of life. The maximum growth of seedlings from the listed species has Gleditsia triacanthos and Gleditsia texana. It was revealed that seedlings of G. triacanthos grow quickly and reach standard sizes by the end of the growing season. The yield of seedlings is 600-700 thousand pieces per hectare. One watering (150-200 m3 per hectare) is enough to create normal conditions for the growth of seedlings. Some seedlings of G. triacanthos (36.46%) could not complete the stages of development due to external factors (temperature, humidity). G. caspica had the most underdeveloped seedlings (77.78%), this is due to its natural habitat. Seedlings of Gleditsia caspica prefer wetter soils (70%). At high humidity (85%), a microbiota develops in the soil, which prevents the development of the root system. Seedlings growing in dry conditions with loose soil are distinguished by good growth. The first real leaves develop before the cotyledons have had time to fully open. During the experiment, all seedlings retained cotyledons. The optimal soil temperature is about 20-24 ° C, with a further increase in temperature, as well as with its decrease, seed germination slows down. The stages of formation of seedlings of various species of the genus Gleditsia in dry-steppe conditions, which are of practical importance in the development of plant cultivation technologies, have been identified.


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How to Cite

Александра В. Семенютина, & Кристина А. Мельник. (2021). Stages of formation of seedlings of various species of the genus Gleditsia in dry steppe conditions. Voprosy Ecologii, 11(2), 52–65. Retrieved from


