To the issue of renovation of green spaces of sanatorium parks
renovation, optimization, green spaces, sanatorium parks, Voronezh region, type of spatial structure, balance of territory, reconstruction techniques, species composition, types of landings, functional zoning, landscape and aesthetic appeal.Abstract
Green plantations of sanatorium parks (Voronezh region) were laid in the pre-war years on the basis of noble estates. Currently, they are 60% represented by artificial plantations. Characterized by increased degradation, reduction of sanitary, decorative and recreational functions and need renovation.
The relevance of the topic is due to the urgent need to improve the functioning of sanatorium Park areas in modern conditions by enriching the range with the justification of their spatial location and landscape and aesthetic value.
The purpose of the research is to substantiate measures for the renovation and optimization of green spaces of sanatorium parks on the basis of their comprehensive assessment in modern conditions.
It is revealed that the repetition of dry years, urban ecological conditions of sanatorium parks limit the effective functioning of green spaces. The highest percentage of plantings belongs to the second and third classes of stability. Healthy trees in the second class are from 71 to 90%. In the green spaces of the third class of sustainability there are processes of degradation due to age categories.
On the basis of the inventory it was found that the area of green spaces of artificial and natural origin of health resorts of the Voronezh region varies significantly. Green plantations of artificial origin grow in the sanatorium. Gorky (area of 9.6 hectares; age up to 88 years). Forests of natural origin in sanatoria. Dzerzhinsky, "Uglyanets", them. Tsyurupy, the rest house "Petrovsky" make from 45,4 to 66,8% of Park territories.
The share of participation of deciduous tree species is about 70%. On the territories of the sanatorium. Dzerzhinsky and the rest house "Petrovsky" forested landscapes include forests with predominance of Quercus robur (9Д1Кл).
For the forest parks of the health resorts of the forest-steppe zone the General tendency of reduction of volume of crowns in connection with deterioration of the condition of vegetation caused by age is noted. (24376000 m3 – 97985110 m3). To enhance the recreational effect requires a significant increase in the share of decorative shrubs. In the total volume occupied by the canopy of plants at the present time it is insignificant – less than 1 %.
It is recommended to introduce bushes into green plantings to optimize the spatial structure and increase the landscape and aesthetic attractiveness of sanatorium parks. Since the predominance of enclosed spaces in existing plantations of health resorts (more than 50 %) leads to monotony in the composition. The system of open (7-25), half-open (32-47%) will lead to the formation of appropriate recreational purposes and functions of plantations.
To comply with the functions of the medical and health institution, taking into account regulatory documents, an increase in the area (by 20%) of the quiet recreation area is provided.
On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of green areas of health resorts, taking into account the species diversity and types of landings, the classification of spatial organization is developed. The sanitary-hygienic and recreational potential, principles of selection and the range of decorative trees and bushes for renovation of sanatorium parks in the forest-steppe zone are defined. The rules of measures for the reconstruction of green spaces of Park areas of medical and health institutions are established.
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