Regional specificity creation of protective afforestations along highways
Protective planted forests, motor road, species composition, reconstruction, technology of creation, Rostov region, steppe conditions.Abstract
In Russia, most roads and railways are protected by forest belts. Even a single row of trees provides good results in road surface protection from snow. At present, in the dry conditions of the Rostov region is not given due attention to scientific developments on the creation, maintenance and reconstruction of protective forests motor roads.
The goal of this work (publication) is to analyze the state of roadside protective forest plantations and improve their creation on the example part of the highway of Novocherkassk - Kamenolomni of Rostov region.
Monitoring of roadside defensive forests showed that in a steppe environment with complex orographic relief, along with protection from snow clogging, one of the important functions is the aesthetic design of the terrain.
The length of protective forest plantations as a research and planting site is 17 800 m. The route is one of the main thoroughfares to the city of Shakhty and the federal highway M4 of the Rostov region. Determination of the need for creating roadside forest belts was detected using GPS-navigator (GPSmap 62s).
The condition of roadside protective forest stands on the considered segment of the motorway and their species composition is established.
In accordance, with soil and climatic conditions, an assortment of plants with a preference for resistance to snow, decorativeness, and the success of road protection against snow and dust drift are justified. The volumes of planting material with the participation of Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, are determined, the soil preparation system, the species composition and layout. Over the entire length of the investigated area (17,8 km), it is required to create protective forest stands (4 forest belts with a length of 998 m, a width of 12,0 m, an area of 1,2 hectares).
With scientific support and consideration of regional peculiarities, creation of protective afforestations along highways (design of plantations, assortment, methods of cultivation, silvicultural care, etc.), they are able to perform their functions in full by the age of 25 years.
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