
  • Салават Галимьянович ЗАГИТОВ Arctic gas company


Turbine generator, gas turbine power plant, utilization heat exchanger, electric energy, thermal energy, cogeneration, automation, group control, distribution generation.


Sustainable and reliable power supply is an important factor in any manufacturing process. In connection with the development and expansion of oil and gas-producing areas on a territorial basis, the demand for own sources of generation is increasing more and more. Due to the difficulties of reconstruction of distribution networks, their congestion, as well as remoteness from the main networks due to the large dispersal of oil and gas condensate fields (OGCs), the direction of introduction of distributed generation is considered promising. The use of unconventional sources of electricity due to the significant power of consumers and the reliability of electricity supply in this case, as well as a number of other specific factors (inconstancy, dependence on weather conditions and time of day, low efficiency (except for water sources), high cost, insufficient unit capacity) is not a solution. At present, power plants of small and medium power are widespread in Russia, such as gas turbine (GTES), including mobile (MGTES), diesel (DPP) and gas piston (HPP).


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How to Cite

ЗАГИТОВ, С. Г. (2019). GAS TURBINE POWER PLANTS IN OIL AND GAS FIELDS. Voprosy Ecologii, 7(11), 11–18. Retrieved from


