Silvicultural growth models of the formation of Quercus Robur in the black earth zone conditions of the steppe of the South of Russia


  • Sergey N. KRUGILIN



Growth of pedunculate oak, programmed growing of forest cultures, rhythm of growth of the main and auxiliary species, type of mixing, formation of plantations.


Within the territory of the European part of Russia, the steppe zone covers more than 60 million hectares. The steppes are represented in the Southern Urals, on the Volga, on the Don, in Ciscaucasia, in the Trans-Volga region. Growing up steppe plantings, specialists always face big problems, primarily related to natural conditions. It is natural conditions that cause special approaches in the design, creation and cultivation of forest crops.

One of the main tree species in the black earth zone of the South of Russia is pedunculate oak. During the cultivation of oak culture, many minor issues arise concerning the selection of accompanying breeds, schemes of mixing and placement, density in different age periods.

In other words, an important point in the formation of artificial stands of pedunculate oak is information about silvicultural models. After all, it is the knowledge of the model of behavior of plantations in different age periods that will allow to grow productive and sustainable plantations that will fully perform the assigned function in our steppe zone - protective!

The aim of the present work is to analyze the course of growth of pedunculate oak mixed with different tree and shrub species and to develop their silvicultural models for the conditions of the black earth zone of southern Russia.


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How to Cite

KRUGILIN, S. N. (2018). Silvicultural growth models of the formation of Quercus Robur in the black earth zone conditions of the steppe of the South of Russia. Voprosy Ecologii, 8(3), 23–45.


