Environmental elements for revitalization of entomophages in theforest plantations of the arid zone


  • Irina R. Gribust Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9120-7637




species diversity, quantitative abundance of insects, entomophages, protective forest plantations, design parameters of plantations, viability of forest plantations, ecological and structural elements.


Introduction. Forest reclamation area development-poor regions is radically transforms the previously desolate space. Positive changes in moisture-heat, soil, hydrological regimes, enrichment of native dendroflora with new species also entails the transformation of the animal world, including the insect population. Entomologiste formed by the representatives of the steppe group of the inhabitants of the natural coenoses, and the group of forest insects, including species that are dangerous pests and their entomophages.

The purpose of the analysis of changes in the diversity of insect entomophages in the plantations of the arid zone of different parameters and conditions.

The objects of research – insects-entomophages living in entomocomplexes protective plantation of different dendrological composition of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology wounds on the territory of the Volgograd region (the cadaster number is № 34:34:000000:122; № 34:08:000000:6).

Materials and methods. Collection of material was carried out in plantations of various economic importance. The objects of study were useful insects. Samples were collected by hilling crowns entomological net, by visual inspection of the model branches and hand-collection of predators and parasitism species of phyllophagous with subsequent excretion of adults in the laboratory.

Results and discussion. 221 species of entomophages belonging to 7 groups and 32 families were recorded in the community of useful insects of protective forest plantations of the dry steppe zone.

Differences in environmental conditions, the range of woody plants in each of the plantings, the nature and intensity of the negative external influence determine the characteristics of the faunal population, including entomophages

The estimation of distribution of quantitative abundance of parasites and predators showed that in forest bands of predators on average three times more parasitic insects. Variations in the diversity of entomophages in plantings of different classes of viability are clearly observed.

Design features, floristic depletion and formed microclimate significantly limits the life activity of entomophages in small-row (2-3 rows) plantations, the number of which is reduced by an average of 2.5 times compared to multi-row planting.

In the vertical gradient of plantings on the power of accumulation of biotic potential of useful insects, a grassy tier is allocated, the presence of which in the forest belt causes an increase in the number of entomophages in the community by 1.3-2.7 times. The least role in the accumulation of a useful group of insects is played by the presence of developed undergrowth.

Conclusion. The presence of entomophilic woody plants and developed herbage in the plantations are the most important environmental factors for the accumulation of the entomophage biotic potential.

The maximum effect provides a cumulative effect of determining ecological and structural elements in multi-row landings.


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How to Cite

Gribust, I. R. (2019). Environmental elements for revitalization of entomophages in theforest plantations of the arid zone. Voprosy Ecologii, 9(1), 55–69. https://doi.org/10.25726/NM.2019.86.67.004


