Ecological plasticity of nut crops of the collections of the federal scientific center for agroecology RAS


  • Aliya Sh. Khuzhakhmetova Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences



ecological plasticity, nut culture, limiting factors, variability of symptoms, chestnut soils, FSC of Agroecology of RAS.


The urgency of studying the ecological plasticity of woody plants in connection with the need to select an adapted species composition of trees and shrubs for protective forest plantations in the context of climate change is shown. It is established that the ecological plasticity and tolerance range of plants is associated with the ability of organisms to adapt to a particular range of environmental factors.

The article presents the taxonomic composition of nut crops in the collections of FSC Agroecology RAS. Six species of Juglans: J. regia, J. mandshurica, J. cinerea, J. rupestris, J. ailanthifolia, J. nigra and three species of the genus Corylus: С. avellanaL., С. аmericana W., varieties of C. pontica C. Koch – ‘the President’, ‘Futkurami’, ‘Circassian-2’. Data on positive experience of cultivation of Corylus avellana L. in plantation plantings (1,6 hectares, landing ordinary, the scheme of placement of 5×5 m) in the conditions of southern chernozems are given.

The purpose of the research is to study the ecological plasticity of nut-bearing shrubs of the collections of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology Russian Academy of Sciences.

For example, a generic complex Corylus submissions received on the environmental plasticity of nut bushes in the conditions of brown (the cadaster nubmer № 34:36:0000:14:0178), light chestnut soils (№34:34:000000:122; №34:34:060061:10). The levels of variability of morphological features of the assimilation apparatus and fruits of Corylus avellana L., С. pontica C. Koch varieties were established., which are consistent with winter and drought resistance. Cluster analysis revealed the correlation of features at 5 % significance level. Corylus avellana and ‘Circassian-2’ with a pronounced variability of morphological features, which indicates their broad ecological valence and adaptation capabilities in the conditions under consideration, are recommended for the purposes of protective afforestation and greening of dry areas.


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How to Cite

Khuzhakhmetova, A. S. (2019). Ecological plasticity of nut crops of the collections of the federal scientific center for agroecology RAS. Voprosy Ecologii, 9(1), 105–115.


