Evaluation of mid-term results of bipolar transurethral resection in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia


  • Artur S. Vekilyan Department clinical Hospital at the station Volgograd-1 of JSC «Russian Railways»
  • Aleksej G. Gluhov Department clinical Hospital at the station Volgograd-1 of JSC «Russian Railways»




benign prostatic hyperplasia, bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate, prostate, blood loss, complication, treatment costs, hospitalization


The clinical results of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) up to 100 cm3 by bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate (BTUR - 74 patients) in comparison with open transvesical prostatectomy (OPE - 96 patients), previously used for such clinical cases in the urological clinic "Railway hospital" in Volgograd are presented. With statistically equal operating time of both surgical methods, there was a significant decrease in intraoperative blood loss, the terms of postoperative catheterization and hospital stay, the minimum frequency of hemorrhagic and infectious-inflammatory complications.

Observation of the urological status of patients during the first postoperative year showed the same clinical efficacy of the compared surgical methods. A significant reduction in the volume of blood loss during the operation, can be considered a great achievement, since the improvement of visibility in the area of surgical intervention allows to optimize the hemostasis, to prevent massive bleeding during and after surgery, to reduce the duration of postoperative bladder catheterization, which, in turn, reduces the incidence of infectious-inflammatory complications. Faster recovery of patients after endoscopic surgery of medical,social and economic importance, as the minimum number of postoperative complications and reduction of hospitalization can significantly reduce the cost of treatment and quickly normalize the quality of life of patients.

The results demonstrate the prospects of the introduction of bipolar methods of endoscopic surgery for the treatment of BPH in the surgical practice of urological hospitals in order to improve the safety of surgical treatment and save costs for hospitalization.


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How to Cite

Vekilyan, A. S., & Gluhov, A. G. (2018). Evaluation of mid-term results of bipolar transurethral resection in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Voprosy Ecologii, 8(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.25726/NM.2019.77.26.001


