The first experience of bipolar transurethral operations in surgery of benign prostatic hyperplasia


  • Nikolaj A. Glotov Road clinical hospital at the station Yaroslavl of JSC «RZD»
  • Nikolaj E. Sokolov Road clinical hospital at the station Yaroslavl of JSC «RZD»
  • Yurij B. Smolyakov Road clinical hospital at the station Yaroslavl of JSC «RZD»



benign prostatic hyperplasia, bipolar transurethral resection and enucleation of the prostate, surgery, methods, prostate, patients


The results of the introduction into surgical practice of the urological Department of the road clinical hospital of Yaroslavl bipolar technique of transurethral resection (BTTR) and enucleation of the prostate (EOTP) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) of medium and large sizes are presented.

The comparative study included 164 patients, divided by the methods of surgery into 2 main groups (EOTP - 33 people, BTTR - 49) and 2 control (open prostatectomy - OPE - 38 and monopolar TTR - 44). For new endoscopic methods, a significant reduction in the volume of blood loss, the frequency of hemorrhagic complications, the timing of postoperative catheterization and hospitalization was established. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used to quantify the differences in mean and relative indicators, qualitative characteristics were evaluated using Pearson test (χ2), the significance level of the differences for the study was chosen p ≤ 0.05.

Analysis of postoperative dynamics of clinical parameters in the medium term showed similar radicality and effectiveness of the compared methods.

The lower invasiveness, greater safety and better tolerability of bipolar endoscopic operations demonstrate the prospects of their implementation instead of the former standard surgical methods, which will improve the quality of surgical treatment and reduce the costs of the hospital


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How to Cite

Glotov, N. A., Sokolov, N. E., & Smolyakov, Y. B. (2018). The first experience of bipolar transurethral operations in surgery of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Voprosy Ecologii, 8(4), 10–20.


