Ecologically adaptive receptions control the number of pests in the ecosystems of transformed at the forest reclamation


  • Mariya Nikolaevna BELITSKAYA Federal Scientific Center for Agroecology, Integrated Land Reclamation and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences



biodiversity, forest plantations, pests, entomophages, optimization of phytosanitary.


Transformation of agroecosystems and natural landscapes into a system of ecologically balanced forest-agrarian ecosystems is the leading link of forest-agrarian organization of the arid zone territoryProtective forest plantations is perform a multifunctional environmental role and improve the environmental situation in the agroforestry landscape, changing the climate, humidity, insolation in the biotopes and the conditions  defininging for the formation of harmful and  the beneficial community of entomofauna and microflora.

The research was carried out in protective plantations and adjacent areas on the territory of Samara, Volgograd regions. Is estimated the species richness and the abundance of entomofauna. Test sites were laid directly in the forest belts, on their edges and in the adjacent biotopes. Comparative analysis of the structure of the community population was carried out using common methods. 

The creation of a system of interacting multi-breed multifunctional protective forest plantations provides an increase in the diversity of faunal communities in 1,8-3,0 times, the complexity of the trophic relations and activization of biological factors regulating the numbers of pests. 

In grain agrocenoses, which are protected by forest strips ofrom the  abundantly flowering rocks (robinia, cherry, irgi, honeysuckle, currants, etc.), noted in 1.6-3.5 times less pests, than in the fields under the forest protection  of elm or oak. The total number of useful biota here was 2.3-6.1 times higher than in the fields among of elm monocultures. The most numerous were parasites (Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Chalcidoidea). Predatory insects and spiders is reacted less to the introduction of these bushes into the forest belts.

Is promotes increase activity of the beneficial agent in the agrocenoses by sowing  field honey herbs – mustard, buckwheat, phacelia and other to the around the perimeter of the protected forest belts  field.

Activation of parasites and predators in pastures that are protected by forest belts is achieved by enriching the floral diversity of plants. Introduction to the composition of Tamarix plantings (Tamarix laxa, T. meyeri x hohenackeri) и джузгуна (Calligonum caput medusae) contributes to the increase in the number of entomophages in 1,4-3,9 times, number of Aranea - 3-5 times higher.

The involvement of the complex of useful biota in the agroforestry landscape can significantly reduce the amount of use of plant protection products and prevent contamination of the agricultural sphere. 

Of particular interest for adaptive crop production and organic farming is the use of non-traditional agrochemical raw materials, in particular bischofite - a natural mineral, the only deposit of which in the country is located on the territory of the Volgograd region. Is promising  pre-sowing treatment of seeds  - with irrigation, the healing effect of bischofite increases by 1.2-4.8 times. The use of bischofite for foliar top dressing during in the period of tillering-tubing leads to a decrease in the number of pests by 8.5-50.6%. 

A good effect from the use of bischofite was noted in the cereal agrocenoses when combined with seed treatment with foliar top dressing of vegetative plants. The number of phytophagous insects decreases by 8.2-68.4% with a simultaneous increase in the number of entomophages by 65.7-82.2%.

The wide introduction of methods the non-pesticidal technologies  into production ensures the preservation of biodiversity, maximum activation of natural mechanisms of biotic self-regulation, improvement of plant nutrition, which contributes to the restoration of biological balance in forest reclamation complexes and the production of high-quality crop products.

In forest landscape , entomofauna streams are in close relationship with the structure of the edges of the forest belt, on which additional nutrition of the entomophages is found, insect pollinators nest.

Introduction to the composition of forest pasture landings Tamarix laxa T. meyeri х hohenackeri and Calligonum caput-medusae contributes to an increase in the number of insect entomophages at 1.4-3.9 and spiders to 3.0-5.0 times.

Attraction of useful biota in the agroforestry landscape can significantly reduce the use of plant protection products and prevent contamination of the agrosphere.


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How to Cite

BELITSKAYA, M. N. (2018). Ecologically adaptive receptions control the number of pests in the ecosystems of transformed at the forest reclamation. Voprosy Ecologii, 8(2), 1–10.


